Dark Series Wiki

The Healing Cave is reserved for warriors who have suffered mortal wounds. Hundreds of candles line the walls and bowls with herbs are all around the room, all used to aid in healing any Carpathian who is injured.


The injured hunter is brought in with a healer, the person that is safeguarding the hunter's spirit, and other warriors from the battle. For normal wound, the Lesser Healing Chant would suffice, but for those brought to the Healing Cave, the Greater Healing Chant is necessary. In this case, the words of the chant not only aid in healing the hunter's wounds, but also the journey the healer/family member's journey to rescue the injured warrior.

Once done keeping the warrior from going into the next world, if able, the hunter is put in the ground to heal for as long as necessary. This could be anywhere between a few days to several weeks.
